📄️ For Multi-Rollup Apps
Applications that embrace the "fat app" thesis are leveraging rollups as servers for their operations. These apps maintain contract instances on multiple chains, often requiring inter-contract communication for complex workflows.
📄️ For Chain Abstraction
Chain Abstraction protocols are redefining interoperability by combining resource locks and account abstraction (ERC4337). These enable users to lock funds into wallets on single or multi-chains and gain instant spendable balance across rollups. This seamless spending is powered by a network of solvers who front tokens for User Operations.
📄️ For 7683 x TheCompact
Intents have evolved into a well-defined sub-class in interoperability, with contributions from multiple teams, aiming to standardize intent-settlement and facilitate fast deployments. This documentation serves as a contribution from Polymer Labs to support the broader goal of simplifying intent-settlement processes.
📄️ Intent Batched Settlement
Many intent protocols track a unique hash of user intents or user operations, often referred to as invoiceIDs or orderIDs, which are hashed over various parameters that define how the intent or operation is fulfilled.