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Prove API

Prover Contract


We deploy a contract known as the CrossL2ProverV2 (contract info), taking inspiration from Superchain interop's CrossL2Inbox. Since we strongly believe in on-chain proofs, we have modified some methods to validate logs.

We plan to support more claims like validateStorage or validateSrcHeader as well as more methods like executeMessage that will send the safe payload to a defined address.


Validate any event with a single call. For applications validating specific events emitted by their contracts on a given origin chain, these methods provide a straightforward, plug-and-play solution.

  1. validateEvent

Validates a cross-chain event from a counterparty chain and returns the event along with event identifiers. The function will revert if the validation fails.

validateEvent(bytes calldata proof) returns (uint32 chainId, address emittingContract, bytes memory topics, bytes memory unindexedData)
proofA byte payload containing the IAVL proof of the application's log stored in the Polymer Rollup, along with the Sequencer-attested state root and corresponding block height.
chainIdChain ID of the emitting chain. (identifier)
emittingContractThe contract which emitted the event. (identifier)
topicsThe topics array from the emitted event i.e. indexed data.
unindexedDataThe ABI-encoded event data for the matched log i.e. unindexed data.

More Advanced Methods (optional)

These methods were introduced to enhance transparency for applications that need to inspect the contents of a proof rather than blindly trusting opaque bytes.

They enable applications to perform static calls to the contract, allowing them to examine various components of a proof—such as the corresponding origin chain transaction—to match against API inputs. Additionally, applications can inspect the Sequencer-attested root and block height, ensuring consistency with the public RPC.

  1. inspectLogIdentifier

Inspect the origin transaction that a given proof corresponds to-checked against API inputs.

inspectLogIdentifier(bytes calldata proof) returns (uint32 srcChain, uint64 blockNumber, uint16 receiptIndex, uint8 logIndex)
proofA byte payload containing the IAVL proof of the application's log stored in the Polymer Rollup, along with the Sequencer-attested state root and corresponding block height.
srcChainSource chain that emitted the log.
blockNumberBlock number on the source chain where the log was emitted.
receiptIndexIndex of the transaction (receipt belongs to) in the array of all transactions in that block.
logIndexIndex of the event in the logs array of the receipt i.e local to your transaction. Note: This is not the global log index.

  1. inspectPolymerState

Inspect the root and the corresponding block height, verifying them against the public RPC endpoint.

inspectPolymerState(bytes calldata proof) returns (bytes32 stateRoot, uint64 height, bytes calldata signature)
proofA byte payload containing the IAVL proof of the application's log stored in the Polymer Rollup, along with the Sequencer-attested state root and corresponding block height.
stateRootRepresents the state of the Polymer Rollup, serving as the single source of truth.
heightThe block height corresponding to the state, used for querying the public RPC.
signatureThe sequencer's attestation, committing to the root and its associated block height.