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Settlement Batcher Example

Many intent protocols track a unique hash of user intents or user operations, often referred to as invoiceIDs or orderIDs, which are hashed over various parameters that define how the intent or operation is fulfilled.

These protocols need to confirm these invoice hashes back on the source chain (the user-side lockup) in order to repay the solver for fronting capital on the destination chain.

polymer-invoice-batcher-example is a simple system designed to efficiently validate invoices across chains. It optimizes gas costs by batching multiple invoice IDs into a single cross-chain event.

Compared to Messaging

This simple yet highly efficient use case highlights the power of app-level interoperability, empowering app developers to manage cross-chain interaction, rather than relying on complex bridging APIs and contracts. These traditional systems can complicate matters with out-of-contract hooks and Merkle tree management as the only form of batching.

End-to-End Flow

  1. Fill Submission (Invoice emission)

    In this example, the newInvoice function is invoked, acting as a proxy for solver fills or post-Ops that emit and add the invoice hash to pendingInvoices[].

    // User -> newInvoice() -> pendingInvoices[]

    * @notice Emitted when a new invoice is added to the pending batch
    * @param sender The address that added the invoice (can be the paymaster)
    * @param invoiceHash The hash of the invoice ID
    event NewInvoice(
    address indexed sender,
    bytes32 indexed invoiceHash
  2. Batching

    At a later stage, the application relayer triggers the batchInvoices function, where all items in pendingInvoices[] are emitted in a single event, packed as unindexed data.

    // Trigger -> batchInvoices() -> InvoiceBatch event

    * @notice Emitted when pending invoices are batched
    * @param sender The address that triggered the batch
    * @param invoices Array of invoice hashes in the batch
    event InvoiceBatch(
    address indexed sender,
    bytes32[] invoices

    // This transcation will be proved on the destination via Prove API

  3. Cross-Chain Relay

    The app relayer then calls the Prove API to seek proof of InvoiceBatch event and submits it to the invoicesFromSource function.

    // Relayer -> Polymer API -> Get Proof -> invoicesFromSource()

    * @notice Processes a batch of invoices received from another chain
    * @param proof The Polymer proof data containing the cross-chain event
    * @dev Validates the proof using Polymer Prover and emits individual InvoiceReceived events
    * @dev Includes replay protection to prevent double-processing of proofs
    function invoicesFromSource(bytes calldata proof) external {
    // Validate the proof using Polymer Prover
    uint32 sourceChainId,
    address sourceContract,
    bytes memory topics,
    bytes memory data
    ) = polymerProver.validateEvent(proof);

    // Verify the source chain and contract are trusted
    require(sourceChainId != block.chainid, "Cannot process events from same chain");
    require(trustedSourceContracts[sourceChainId] != address(0), "Chain not trusted");
    require(sourceContract == trustedSourceContracts[sourceChainId], "Invalid source contract");

    // Decode the batch of invoice hashes from the event data
    bytes32[] memory invoices = abi.decode(data, (bytes32[]));

    // Extract the original sender from the event topics
    bytes32[] memory topicsArray = new bytes32[](2);
    assembly {
    let topicsPtr := add(topics, 32)
    mstore(add(topicsArray, 32), mload(add(topicsPtr, 32))) // Skip event signature, get sender
    address sender = address(uint160(uint256(topicsArray[0])));

    // Emit individual events for each invoice in the batch
    for(uint i = 0; i < invoices.length; i++) {
    emit InvoiceReceived(sender, invoices[i]);
  4. Destination Repayment

    Ideally, this function performs repayments to solvers by taking in the proof and additional call data. For the sake of this example, it simply emits InvoiceReceived to showcase successful repayment.

    // Target Chain -> Validate Proof -> Process Batch -> InvoiceReceived events

    * @notice Emitted when an invoice is received from another chain
    * @param originalSender The address that sent the invoice on the source chain (can be the paymaster)
    * @param invoiceHash The hash of the received invoice ID
    event InvoiceReceived(
    address indexed originalSender,
    bytes32 indexed invoiceHash

Gas Optimizations

1. Batching Benefits

  • Instead of proving N individual events cross-chain
  • Single batch event contains all invoices
  • Proof validation cost remains nearly constant for given batch size

2. Event Data Structure

event InvoiceBatch(
address indexed sender, // 20 bytes indexed
bytes32[] invoices // Dynamic array unindexed
  • Only sender is indexed (fixed gas cost)
  • Invoice array is unindexed (very efficient for large arrays)

3. Cost Comparison

For N invoices:

  • Individual cross-chain messages: O(N) proofs
  • Batched approach: ~ O(1) proof
  • Savings increase with batch size
Updating # of InvoicesL2 execution costL1 data cost

Check out all sample transcations here.