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Prove API

API Endpoints

1. Request Receipt Proof


Method: POST

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Request Body

“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“id”: 1,
"method": "receipt_requestProof",
"params": [uint32, uint32, uint64, uint32]

Request Parameters in order

srcChainId [uint32]The chain ID of the chain that emitted the log.
dstChainId [uint32]The target chain for execution to ensure app-hash is updated.
srcBlockNumber [uint64]Block number on the source chain where the log was emitted.
txIndex [uint32]Index of the transaction (receipt belongs to) in the array of all transactions in that block. Note: This is not the log index.

Response Body (Success)

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": int64

The response contains a int64 (jobID) that uniquely identifies your request.

2. Query Receipt Proof


Method: POST

Request Body

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "receipt_queryProof",
"params": [int64]

Response Fields

jobID [int64]The jobID returned by the proof request.

Response Body (Success)

“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“id”: 1,
"result": {
“jobID”: [int64],
“proof”: []byte [base64],
“status”: “complete” | “error” | “pending”

Response Fields

jobID [uint64]Unique identifier for the API request.
proof [base64]Byte payload containing the full proof path to use against the app-hash to prove a given receipt (as part of the bytes).
statusIndicates the current status of the proof (complete, error, pending).

Note: proof bytes are base64 encodes at the moment, application must decode and then convert to hex in order to pass it as call data to the application contract on-chain.

The proof returned includes the necessary information to verify the receipt in question:

Polymer superRoot Height -> IAVL proof -> srcChain height -> receiptRoot -> MMPT proof -> receipt


  • The application relayer or solver does not need to perform any action to submit the proof to the application contract.
  • If you wish to prove a single log, you will also need to provide a logIndex of the desired event within the receipt. See the method details below for further information.
  • The current version (V0) of the Proof API typically takes around 6-10 seconds to return a response with the proof, as lazy updates are performed. You can immediately execute your function once you get the proof. This delay is to ensure that the latest rollup states are propagated all the way to the desired destination chain and successfully updated, the major bottleneck is rollup block times.
  • All of the proofs described above can be built using public RPCs. The primary function of the Prove API is to provide convenience and manage the coordination across multiple chain RPCs.