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Understanding Receipt and Log Indices

Let’s analyzes the transaction receipt structure from the StateSync example, specifically focusing on how events are emitted and structured in the transaction logs.

The receipt data is fetched using the eth_getTransactionReceipt RPC method.

Receipt and Local Log Index

(In green box: Inputs required for Prove API)

Contract Events

The StateSyncV2 contract emits three different events when setting a value (example tx):

  1. OnlyTopics - Contains only indexed parameters (topics)
event OnlyTopics(
address indexed sender, // topic[1]
bytes32 indexed hashedKey, // topic[2]
uint256 indexed version // topic[3]
  1. ValueSet - Mixed indexed and non-indexed parameters
event ValueSet(
address indexed sender, // topic[1]
string key, // data
bytes value, // data
uint256 nonce, // data
bytes32 indexed hashedKey, // topic[2]
uint256 version // data

  1. OnlyData - Contains only non-indexed parameters
event OnlyData(
string key, // data
bytes value, // data
uint256 nonce, // data
string message // data

Transaction Receipt Structure

A transaction receipt contains multiple pieces of information:

  1. Transaction hash
  2. Block number
  3. Gas used
  4. Status (success/failure)
  5. Array of logs (events)

Receipt Index

  • Each block contains multiple transactions
  • Each transaction has one receipt
  • Receipt or transaction index is the position of a transaction in the block
  • Example: If a block has 5 transactions, receipt indices are 0-4

Local Log Index

  • Each receipt can contain multiple logs (events)
  • Log index is the position of an event within a single receipt
  • Local to the receipt (starts at 0 for each receipt)
  • In our contract:
    • Log[0]: OnlyTopics event
    • Log[1]: ValueSet event
    • Log[2]: OnlyData event

Example Structure

Block N
├── Receipt[0] (First transaction)
│ ├── Log[0] (OnlyTopics event)
│ ├── Log[1] (ValueSet event)
│ └── Log[2] (OnlyData event)
├── Receipt[1] (Second transaction)
│ ├── Log[0]
│ └── Log[1]
└── Receipt[2] (Third transaction)
└── Log[0]

Transaction Analysis

From our test transaction, we can see all three events in the logs:

Log 1: OnlyTopics Event

topics: [
'0x5f7211...', // Event signature hash
'0x000000...f22a0aed5a05bf98fff814ad950eaf82fcea30cc', // sender
'0x802618...40a41f8', // hashedKey
'0x000000...02' // version (2)
data: '0x' // Empty data field (all params are topics)

Log 2: ValueSet Event

topics: [
'0x4fea41...', // Event signature hash
'0x000000...f22a0aed5a05bf98fff814ad950eaf82fcea30cc', // sender
'0x802618...40a41f8' // hashedKey
data: // ABI encoded non-indexed parameters:
- key: "test-key"
- value: "test-value"
- nonce: 29
- version: 2

Log 3: OnlyData Event

topics: [
'0x47048d...' // Only event signature hash
data: // ABI encoded parameters:
- key: "test-key"
- value: "test-value"
- nonce: 29
- message: "State updated successfully"

Key Points

  1. Topics vs Data
    • Topics are indexed parameters, limited to 4 (1 for event signature + 3 for indexed params)
    • Data field contains all non-indexed parameters
    • Topics are more gas expensive but enable efficient event filtering
  2. Event Design Strategy
    • OnlyTopics: Optimized for efficient querying
    • ValueSet: Balance of queryable and detailed data
    • OnlyData: Complete data but harder to filter
  3. Receipt Structure
    • Each event creates a separate log entry
    • Logs are ordered as they appear in the contract
    • Each log contains its own topics and data fields

Usage in Polymer Proof Generation

When requesting a proof, you need to specify:

  1. Block number
  2. Receipt index (which transaction in the block)
  3. Local Log index (which event in the receipt)


blockNumber: 1234567,
receiptIndex: 2, // Third transaction in block
logIndex: 1 // Second event in that transaction

Practical Example

If you want to prove the ValueSet event from our contract:

  1. Find the block number where transaction occurred
  2. Use the transaction's position in block as receipt index
  3. Use log index 1 (as ValueSet is the second event)

⚠️ Understanding Topic[0]: Event Signature

  • Topic[0] is ALWAYS the keccak256 hash of the event signature
  • Event signature format: EventName(paramType1,paramType2,...)
  • Includes parameter types but not parameter names
  • Used to identify which event was emitted

Example for our events:

// OnlyTopics event
// → 0x5f7211... (topic[0])

// ValueSet event
// → 0x4fea41... (topic[0])

// OnlyData event
// → 0x47048d... (topic[0])

Topics Array Structure

For each log entry:

topics: [
topic[0], // Event signature hash (mandatory)
topic[1], // First indexed parameter (optional)
topic[2], // Second indexed parameter (optional)
topic[3] // Third indexed parameter (optional)

Example from our Contract

// ValueSet event log
topics: [
"0x4fea41..." // topic[0]: hash of "ValueSet(address,string,bytes,uint256,bytes32,uint256)"
"0x000000...f22a", // topic[1]: indexed sender address (padded to 32 bytes)
"0x802618...41f8" // topic[2]: indexed hashedKey
data: // ABI-encoded non-indexed parameters

Why Topic[0] Matters

  1. Event Identification

    • Smart contracts can emit multiple different events
    • topic[0] allows quick identification of event type
    • Essential for event filtering and processing
  2. Contract Verification

    • In StateSyncV2's setValueFromSource():
    bytes32 expectedSelector = keccak256("ValueSet(address,string,bytes,uint256,bytes32,uint256)");
    require(topicsArray[0] == expectedSelector, "Invalid event signature");
    • Ensures we're processing the correct event type
    • Prevents processing events from different contracts with similar structures
  3. Event Filtering within Relayer

    • Can filter events by their signature (topic[0])
    • Common in blockchain explorers and event listeners
    • Example:
    // Get transaction receipt
    const txReceipt = await provider.getTransactionReceipt(data.transactionHash);

    // Find local log index for ValueSet event
    const valueSetEventSignature = "ValueSet(address,string,bytes,uint256,bytes32,uint256)";
    const valueSetTopic =;
    const localLogIndex = txReceipt.logs.findIndex(
    log => log.topics[0] === valueSetTopic

📜 Why use Receipt and Local Log Index?

This receipt structure plays a crucial role in on-chain state proving because:

The consensus fields of a receipt—the fields that are RLP-encoded into the ReceiptTrie—are as follows:

type Receipt struct {
// Consensus fields: These fields are defined by the Yellow Paper
Type uint8
PostState []byte
Status uint64
CumulativeGasUsed uint64
Bloom Bloom
Logs []*Log

The encoded Log fields, defined as:

type Log struct {
// Consensus fields:
// Address of the contract that generated the event
Address common.Address
// List of topics provided by the contract
Topics []common.Hash
// Supplied by the contract, usually ABI-encoded
Data []byte

At the chain consensus level, the receipt index, while not explicitly represented, is defined by the path taken from the ReceiptTrie root to the leaf node that stores the receipt. This path is encoded as RLP(ReceiptIndex).

Similarly, the log index is encoded into the receipt as the position of a log within the Logs array.

This distinction may seem confusing when compared to the many fields present in a Receipt or Log object, such as those returned by the ETH JSON-RPC endpoints eth_getTransactionReceipt or eth_getLogs. These fields, like the global log index, are not included in the consensus encoding. Instead, they are supplementary fields, providing additional decorative information added to the returned receipt or log.