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Evolving Interop Past Messaging

Key Highlights:
  1. Latency: 2-3 seconds (Nearing block time!)
  2. Security: Block headers sourced from Sequencer preconfs
  3. Rollup Integration: Add support for new rollups within minutes

Prove any action, cross-chain.

Polymer is a rollup purpose-built for interoperability between rollups, removing the need for cross-chain messaging. Anyone can execute and verify actions across any chain in real-time, the fastest latency available.

Interoperability protocols have existed for over three years—an extensive period in crypto terms. Yet, cross-chain applications remain uncommon due to inherent limitations in traditional approaches. Traditional interop relies on rigid, opinionated messaging standards that slow developers and limit innovation.

Polymer directly shares state between chains, unlocking more information developers can process. Instead of relying on data packets, Polymer allows developers to build freely with seamless, cost-efficient, and scalable cross-chain access. Requiring minimal changes to an application’s stack or architecture.

Interop is no longer about connecting chains with rigid pathways. Instead it can adjust to how application builders want to build, unlocking the next generation of efficient cross-chain applications.