📄️ Overview
The design of Polymer started with a few questions. All of them centered around the topic of accelerating the adoption of the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol, IBC.
📄️ vIBC components
At a high level, a virtual chain is outsourcing its interoperability workload to Polymer. Polymer establishes:
📄️ Clients in vIBC
As discussed in the previous sections, one of the functions of the vIBC module is to allow for extending the IBC network by enabling a more diverse set of chains to adopt IBC. Managing clients and transport commitments is a big part of this feature.
📄️ Onto channel creation
Now that you're familiar with all of the vIBC components, let's take a look at the steps that are needed to start sending packets between chains.
📄️ Packet lifecycle
The previous sections explained the architecture and different components that make up virtual IBC or vIBC. Armed with this knowledge, we take a look at the packet lifecycle when sending packets over a multi-hop channel that involves one or more virtual chains.